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Training through Rutgers University

With Professional Development hours available

Our workshops are included on the Rutgers site. You can filter by date or topic.







Using data driven strategies to engage in student assessment

Rutgers is only requiring a $15.00 fee to cover registration and participants will receive 1.5 PD hours.

4:00-5:30 EST

9/21/21, 9/30/21, 10/12/21, 11/16/21

We will examine how to properly utilize Inq-ITS so that students can be in control of their own learning. This is done through leading an authentic inquiry experience through our NGSS-aligned virtual labs.

Fostering students’ critical thinking with scientific practices

Rutgers is only requiring a $15.00 fee to cover registration and participants will receive 1.5 PD hours.

4:00-5:30 EST

9/23/21, 10/14/21, 10/28/21, 11/18/21

We will explore the Science Practices, discuss how to assess where students are at, remediate, and monitor student progress. 

Helping students drive questions based on scientific practices

Rutgers is only requiring a $15.00 fee to cover registration and participants will receive 1.5 PD hours.

4:00-5:30 EST

11/02/21, 11/30/21

In this workshop, we will examine the sub-practices that make up the Science Practice “Asking Questions”, discuss how to assess where students are at, and scaffold for student success.

Rutgers is only requiring a $15.00 fee to cover registration and participants will receive 1.5 PD hours.

4:00-5:30 EST

8/19/21, 11/04/21, 12/02/21

This interactive session will streamline 3D learning and assessment to help your students master science practices and data literacy.

Developing Students’ Data Literacy and Analysis Skills

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Research generously funded by the National Science Foundation (DRL-1008649, DRL-0733286, DGE-0742503, DRL-1252477, IIS-1629045, IIS-1902647),

and the US Department of Education (R305A090170, R305A120778, EDIES15C0018, EDIES16C0014, 91990018C0022, 91990019C0037).

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.


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